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Super Bowl Odds - NFL Futures Betting in New Zealand


Things Kiwis should consider before placing a Super Bowl bet offshore:

It is fully legal for bettors in New Zealand to play at "offshore" providers, but will you choose one that is actually focused on serving Kiwis with all you need?  SNBET only lists top New Zealand betting sites with all the key attributes.

About our Super Bowl odds

Above, the feed from our odds provider is designed to showcase the highest odds available for the most popular futures betting market in the NFL. These Super Bowl outright winner odds are sourced from various providers we recommend for people in New Zealand. After the feed aggregates the odds for all the given teams to win outright, it then only displays the highest available odds figure. So these are the best Super Bowl odds from the best NZD betting sites.
This means that our presentation of these odds is far superior compared to any single betting provider. If your goal is simply to place a Super Bowl bet, having one betting account is sufficient. However, if you aim to secure the best price for your wagers in order to maximize potential winnings from New Zealand, it may be advantageous to have accounts with multiple operators and dedicate some time to comparing Super Bowl odds. Note that we also provide NFL odds & lines for individual games as well.


Super Bowl Odds: The Most Popular NFL Futures Betting Market

Super Bowl odds represent one of the most popular and highly anticipated futures betting markets in the realm of NFL betting. As the pinnacle event of the National Football League season, the Super Bowl captivates fans and bettors alike with its thrilling matchups and high-stakes competition. In this guide, we will delve into the world of Super Bowl odds and unravel the intricacies of this captivating betting market.

Futures betting, also known as outright (or outright winner) betting, revolves around predicting the outcome of a future event. In the case of the Super Bowl, bettors have the opportunity to place wagers on which team will emerge victorious in the championship game well before it takes place. Super Bowl odds, assigned to each participating team, offer insights into their perceived chances of lifting the coveted Lombardi Trophy.

These odds are initially set by sportsbooks and continually adjusted throughout the season based on various factors. Team performance, key player injuries, coaching strategies, and even the betting market's sentiment all influence the movement of Super Bowl odds. As the season progresses, the odds reflect the evolving narratives and strengths of the teams, providing bettors with updated information to inform their betting decisions.

Super Bowl odds are presented in different formats, including decimal odds, fractional odds, or American odds, above, we use decimal odds, which are favoured in New Zealand. If you prefer American or fractional formats, please see our odds providers site above, as they use all three formats.

When considering Super Bowl odds, it's important to remember that favourites and underdogs can significantly influence the odds. Teams with strong regular-season performances and star players may enter the playoffs as favorites, while others may be viewed as underdogs. Consequently, the odds associated with favorites tend to be lower, reflecting a higher degree of expected success, while underdogs offer the potential for larger payouts due to their perceived lower chances of winning.

Bettors can leverage their knowledge of team performance, statistical analysis, injury reports, and expert insights to evaluate Super Bowl odds and identify potential value bets. Finding favorable odds that deviate from the perceived probabilities can be an effective strategy for securing profitable outcomes.


Super Bowl odds variance

When you are looking to bet on the Super Bowl winner, the odds can really vary between providers, especially if the game is several months away.  This is because to a large degree, the given operator's odds reflect the action that they themselves have taken in.  If a given operator has a disproportional number of fans of a given team, this can certainly provide a reason that they may have low odds on that team to win relative to the rest of the market.

For example, our number one recommended bookie brand for New Zealand has a lot of US and Canada-based players.  Many of these players will place their Super Bowl bets on popular local teams. Thus, if your betting idea coincides with a large part of that betting demographic, you may want to look to other betting sites that are taking less action on these teams in order to get a better price.  The more bets placed on any particular team will drive the odds prices down. So, looking for a less-trafficked bookie in this context may make for better odds depending on your picks. 


Finding the right sportsbook for Super Bowl futures betting from New Zealand

Whether you are looking for higher Super Bowl odds as compared to your current provider, or you are looking for a betting site for the first time so you can bet on the game, know that there is another level of criteria that you should consider, beyond Super Bowl odds.  If you are in New Zealand, know that Australia-based bookies do not support NZD accounts, so you’d always be losing money on currency exchange fees as built into your FX rate.  Furthermore, Australian betting sites are not allowed to offer live, in-play betting on NFL or any other games.  This is why we recommend the sites that we do for Kiwi NFL fans that want to bet on the Super Bowl.  They offer both NZD accounts, and live NFL betting.